2014年11月3日 星期一

Welcome November

October was a blast Banana class! 

October ended with a great and spooky celebration. Banana class celebrated the final week with many themed activities, such as: ghost in the graveyard snacks and Frankenstein and witch hat painting. We practiced very diligently to memorize a speech to give at the Halloween party. Our class song was, H A double L O W double E N Spells Halloween. We also learned the Monster Mash to sing with the other classes as well. 
We also worked hard on our themes of family members and rooms of the house. The kids can easily talk about people in their family and describe them. They are also able to identify objects that are found in specific rooms of the house.

                                    Yummy ghost in the graveyard snack!

In phonics, we have made it about half way through the alphabet! We continue to expand our vocabulary with each letter. It's also been important to correctly identify upper and lower cases of each letter. The kids are getting very good at writing letters! 

Now it's a new month, November! Time for new themes, holidays, and Fall fun :)

